Inclusive Teaching Principles and Practices
- What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching (2021; Addy, Dube, Mitchell, SoRelle)
- Inclusive Teaching by Kelly Hogan & Viji Sathy
- The New College Classroom
- Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (2018; Tobin & Behling)
- The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain by Zaretta Hammond
- For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood... and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education by Christopher Emdin
- Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms by Adeyemi Stembridge
- The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children by Gloria Ladson-Billings
- Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development by Enid Lee, Deborah Menkart, and Margo Okazawa-Rey
Coaching and Transformation Strategies
- The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation by Elena Aguilar
- We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom by Bettina Love
- Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners by Dominique Smith, Nancy Frey, Ian Pumpian, and Douglas Fisher
Inclusive Learning Environments
- Diverse Learners in the Mainstream Classroom by David Rose and Anne Meyer
- Teaching with Tenderness: Toward an Embodied Practice by Becky Thompson
Big Picture: Understanding Inclusion and Diversity
- Focus: Interactive game for understanding structural inequality
- That's Unheard Of: Assessment
- Focus: Assessing diversity and inclusion
- Project Implicit: Implicit Association Test
- Focus: Understanding implicit biases
Teaching: Pedagogical Approaches and Strategies
- Scholarly Teacher: Teaching Tips
- Focus: Tips and strategies for effective teaching
- UDL Guidelines
- Focus: Universal Design for Learning
- TILT Higher Ed
- Focus: Transparent teaching methods
- Pedagogy of Kindness
- Focus: Kindness in teaching and learning
- EB Teaching Guides– Inclusive Teaching
- Focus: Inclusive teaching in life sciences
- Trauma-Informed
- Focus: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Student Support: Recruiting, Retention, and Representation
- Pacific School of CSD Handbook: Chapter 5 - Resources
- Focus: Resources for students in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Syllabi: Decolonization and Trauma-Informed Approaches
- Decolonizing Your Syllabus: An Anti-Racist Guide for Your College
- Focus: Decolonizing the syllabus
- Anti-Racist Syllabus Review: Guiding Questions
- Focus: Questions for creating an anti-racist syllabus
Anti-Racist Pedagogy
- Anti-Racist/Inclusive Pedagogy in Higher Education
- Effective Teaching is Anti-Racist Teaching (Brown University)
- Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps (Columbia University)
- Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator (Wheaton College, Massachusetts)
- Journal Articles
- Anti-Racism Resources for Students and Professionals in Healthcare
Inclusive Teaching Methodology
- Specifications grading: Restoring rigor, motivating students, and saving faculty time. Nilson, L. (2015). Stylus Publishing, LLC.
- Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Ed
- ASHA Publication Resources
Ungrading / Inclusive Grading Systems
- Ungrading: Why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead). Kohn, A., & Blum, S. D. (2020). West Virginia University Press.
- How to Ungrade (Stommel)
- Podcast: Alternative Grading with Brett Wortzman and Kevin Lin
- Grading for Growth
- Alternative Grading Strategies (Drew Lewis)
Key Concepts in Inclusive Teaching
- Diverse and Inclusive Course Content
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Active Learning and Collaborative Activities
- Flexible Assessment
- Inclusive Classroom Climate
- Intersectionality
Understanding the Classroom Demographics
- Who’s in Class
- An anonymous questionnaire to understand the diverse backgrounds and needs of students.
Building Classroom Community
- Building Community
- Activities and discussions aimed at creating a sense of belonging among students.
- What’s the Most Boring Thing About You?
- An icebreaker activity that allows students to share something about themselves in a light-hearted manner.
- This or That
- A quick game to help students get to know each other's preferences and build rapport.
Inclusive Course Materials
- Inclusive / Liquid Syllabus
- Creating a flexible and inclusive syllabus that can be easily adapted to meet diverse learning needs.
- Pre-Term Welcome Videos
- Videos sent before the term starts to welcome students and give them an overview of the course and its objectives.
Student Engagement
- Student Engagement / Inclusive Participation
- Strategies to ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage and participate in classroom activities.
Course Structure
- High Structure
- A highly structured course design that includes clear guidelines, schedules, and expectations to make the learning environment more accessible.
Other Resources for Inclusive Teaching and Learning
Inclusive Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Tolerance
- Edutopia
- National Center for Universal Design for Learning (CAST)
- The Teaching Commons
- Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
- Equity Literacy Institute
- The Inclusive Class
- The National Education Association (NEA)
- Disability Inclusive Education Initiative
- National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
Universities Providing Additional Resources
- University of Illinois Chicago: Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- Focus: Resources for inclusive teaching practices.
- Marquette University: Inclusive Teaching Resources
- Focus: Resources and strategies for inclusive teaching.
- University of Michigan: Inclusive Teaching Resources and Strategies
- Focus: Comprehensive resources for inclusive teaching.
- Discover ASHA’s Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Special Collection
- Focus: Special collection focusing on culturally responsive teaching and learning
Miscellaneous University Resources
- University of Illinois Chicago. Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- Marquette University. Inclusive Teaching Resources
- University of Michigan. Inclusive Teaching Resources and Strategies