Nomination Process
Call for Nominations
Opens: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Closes: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Desired Qualifications
Positions will be filled by individuals who have a passion for service to CAPCSD and believe their skill sets lend themselves to helping CAPCSD accomplish its mission and vision.
- Individuals nominated have a demonstrated record of leadership and familiarity with CAPCSD’s mission and goals.
- Three (3) years of service, July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2028
- Individuals nominated have a demonstrated record of leadership.
- Ensure that an accurate record of the board meetings, CAPCSD business meetings, resolutions, and the April CAPCSD-ASHA and CAPCSD-AAA joint Board meetings are maintained for CAPCSD. The actual recording of the minutes is a function of the Secretary. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to ensure that CAPCSD maintains an accurate record of meeting minutes and resolutions.
- Three (3) years of service, July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2028
We connect, inspire, and promote higher education programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
The definitive source for advancing academic leadership and program excellence in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Why consider volunteering for CAPCSD?
CAPCSD is the preeminent association for advancing the mission and goals of programs in communication sciences and disorders. We operate in an allied manner with other professional organizations, such as ASHA and AAA, and are the only organization whose mission is to improve the academic environment for our disciplines. If you have a passion for curriculum, administration, teaching, clinical education, or other aspects of working in a university CSD department, please consider applying your enthusiasm and skills to a role within CAPCSD.
What are the benefits of serving CAPCSD in a volunteer role?
- Influence the issues that affect the academy.
- Make a direct impact on CAPCSD’s visionary programs, such as scholarships, the annual conference, The Lisa Scott Leadership Academy, and clinical educator resources, to name a few.
- Develop a broader vision of the issues impacting CSD faculty, students, and programs.
- Represent an association of individuals who are specifically concerned with the education of future professionals, rather than a sub-group of a professional association.
- Rely on the support of professional and highly trained staff via CAPCSD’s association management company who assist volunteers with accomplishing their work.
- Develop a close network of colleagues who value our work environments in similar ways and who also like to have a good time while working!
What kind of time commitment can I expect?
The Board of Directors meets virtually once a month during the year and has four (4) face-to-face meetings - January, July, the Tuesday and Wednesday before the ASHA convention, and two days prior to the CAPCSD annual conference. CAPCSD covers most travel expenses for meetings related to volunteer responsibilities.
For more information on the roles and duties of each position, please review the Policies and Procedures.
The Nomination Process
Submit the online nomination form describing your qualifications for the position for which you, or your colleague, would like to be considered.
- All nominations for President-Elect and Secretary that are submitted by the deadline are forwarded to the CAPCSD Nominations Committee.
- All nominees will be contacted to confirm the nominee’s willingness to accept a nomination.
- Each nominee’s application will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee. Online interviews for top nominees will be scheduled in early January. After interviews are conducted, the Nominations Committee will determine the top nominee for each open position and confirm each nominee’s acceptance.
- The process will result in a single slate of officers developed by the Nominations Committee that will be presented to the Board of Directors at their winter board meeting. The approved single slate will then be voted on by the membership. Program directors will cast the vote for their program and are encouraged to solicit input from their faculty, clinic directors, and staff.
- The 2025-2026 slate will be announced at the CAPCSD annual conference during the business meeting on Saturday, April 26, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia. Elections open shortly after that.
- Terms officially begin July 1, 2024, but orientation and training may occur prior to that date.
What is Requested on the Nomination Form?
- The position for which the person is being nominated: President-Elect or Secretary.
- Nominee’s Name, University, Email, Phone Number, and Curriculum Vitae.
- Nominator(s) Names, University, Email, and Phone number (unless self-nominating).
- Biographical Information - In 500 words or less, summarize current titles and positions, relevant past employment history, academic degrees and the granting institutions, and CCC area, if applicable.
- Qualifications and Plans - In 500 words or less, describe how: (a) your abilities and experience fit the nature of the position for this nomination and (b) if elected for the position, you plan to fulfill the associated duties.
- Briefly list and include dates of current and previous CAPCSD activities and other professional association activities.