Ethical Considerations for Clinical Education
These resources examine some of the ethical considerations, including pitfalls, and strategies for avoiding issues which may occur during the clinical supervision process.

Documents & Articles (Read)
ASHA Issues in Ethics: Supervision of Student Clinicians (ASHA)
This Issues in Ethics statement is presented for the guidance of ASHA members and certificate holders in matters relating to the supervision of students engaged in the provision of clinical services during practicum experiences.
ASHA Issues in Ethics: Supervision of Student Clinicians
Everyday Ethics: Do’s and Don’ts for Clinical Supervisors of Students. Leader Live.
This article discusses specific scenarios that lead to ethical considerations.
Euben, D. (2020). Everyday Ethics: Dos and Don'ts for Clinical Supervisors of Students. Leader Live.
Everyday Ethics. Do's and Don'ts for Clinical Supervisors of Students
Ethics: Ethical Considerations in Student Supervision
Just as other clinical skills have to be learned during the clinical teaching process, applying professional ethics is a learned skill. This article discusses ethics education and how to address dilemmas and conflicts.
Hamill, T. A., & Friedland, E. (2004). Ethics: Ethical Considerations in Student Supervision. Perspectives on Administration and Supervision, 14(2), 5-7.
Ethics: Ethical Considerations in Student Supervision
Supervision: The Ethical and Legal Aspects of Clinical Supervision
Newman, W.S. (2001). Supervision: The Ethical and Legal Aspects of Clinical Supervision. Perspectives on Administration and Supervision, 11(3), 18-22.
This article addresses some of the ethical and legal challenges that face the supervisor and supervisee in speech-language pathology and audiology and provides some strategies that may assist in the development of individual and facility protocols to appropriately manage the performance of supervisees.
Perspectives on Administration and Supervision
Supervisor, Beware: Ethical Dangers in Supervision (Social Work Today)
Dewane, C. J. (2007). Supervisor, beware: ethical dangers in supervision. Social Work Today, 7(4), 34-40.
Maintaining professional ethics in the supervisory process can pose unique challenges. The same ethical violations that can occur in a therapeutic relationship can be paralleled in a supervisory relationship. This article explores ethical concerns that can occur.

Videos (Watch)
Video: Ethics In Supervision: Building Trust And Boundaries (Supervision Simplified, Episode 13)
In this episode of “Supervision Simplified,” Dr. Amy Parks and Valerie Harris (mental health providers) discuss the importance of ethics in both the clinical setting and our supervisory relationships, revealing some of the more shocking ethical situations they’ve encountered and how best to avoid these ethical pitfalls.

Audio & Podcasts (Listen)
Podcast: Ethics in Clinical Supervision (SLP Learning Series, May 10, 2022)
Guest: Melanie Hudson, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow - This podcast provides listeners with scenarios and answers to questions about ethical issues related to initiation and termination of supervision, the ethics requirements for supervisor client/clinical fellow communication, financial compensation for supervisors, and the principals and rules in ASHA’s Code of Ethics that provide guidance on the conduct of clinical supervision.
Podcast: Ethics in Clinical Supervision
Also available to listen on podcast: