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Admissions Summit

CAPCSD 2024 Admissions Summit banner, April 2, 2024, New Orleans, LA

St. Charles Streetcar stopped on St. Charles Street in front of the Gallier Hall, a Greek Revival architectural style building.

In New Orleans, a St. Charles Streetcar is stopped on St. Charles Street in front of the Gallier Hall, a Greek Revival architectural style building. Click photo for Gallier Hall's history and significance.

2024 Admissions Summit



Date:         Tuesday, April 2, 2024
 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT
New Orleans Marriott
Location:  New Orleans, LA

Application window closed / selected participants notified

Registration Fee:          $160 (for selected participants)
Seating Capacity:         25

Program Description

CAPCSD's Admissions Summit will bring together faculty members who are interested in deepening their knowledge of holistic review procedures for CSD graduate admissions processes, and we invite you to apply! We aim to build a community of individuals that can continue to support each other and sustain efforts to implement these processes over subsequent academic years following the summit. The event will be moderated by Dr. Danai Fannin and Dr. Kerry Mandulak.


At the Admissions Summit, attendees will be provided with evidence-based education around admissions, and will support member programs in developing new or adjusted admissions processes. This event seeks to advance the goals of programs that prioritize increasing diversity of incoming student cohorts on multiple dimensions. It will focus on exploring and dismantling systems and processes in admissions that have perpetuated the exclusion of minoritized students who are capable of and qualified for graduate work. The summit has been designed to provide both content knowledge and time to "workshop" the ideas presented. Attendees will be able to collaborate and strategize in small group discussions so they can walk away from the summit with implementable strategies to integrate the changes in admissions processes at the individual program level. The ultimate hope of the summit is to develop a community mobilized for collaborative work after the summit concludes.  


  • Foundational Information about Holistic Review
  • Alignment of Admissions Criteria with Program Strategic Plan
  • Transparency in Marketing of Program Characteristics and Applicant Requirements
  • The Experience, Attributes, and Metrics Model
  • The Application Review Process and Developing Shared Resources
  • Admissions Decision Making + Discussion of the Supreme Court decision regarding Race and Admissions

Learning Objectives

  • Examine the foundational tenets of holistic review, defined by the initiatives set forth by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), and implemented successfully in other allied health professions.
  • Describe the process of aligning a program's strategic plan, with respect to vision, mission, and values, to the admissions criteria for any individual program.
  • Identify how to prioritize specific experiences, attributes, or metrics for admissions criteria, and then review how to facilitate the provision of this information within the application process in order to evaluate it for admissions decisions.
  • Identify ways to facilitate inclusive and equitable review procedures, including incorporating recent changes due to the Supreme Court decision regarding inclusion of race in admissions decisions.

Time-Ordered Agenda

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - Breakfast
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Introduction and review of asynchronous materials provided ahead of time9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Alignment of admissions criteria with program strategic plans10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Recruitment, marketing, and transparency11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Start E-A-M Model + Debrief - reflection, lessons learned, and large group discussion
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Finish Experiences, Attributes, Metrics Model
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Application review resources3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Decision-making processes4:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Debrief – reflection, lessons learned, and discussion



Dr. Danai Fannin headshot

Dr. Danai Fannin

Dr. Danai Kasambira Fannin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Danai Kasambira Fannin PhD, CCC-SLP, is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at North Carolina Central University. Dr. Fannin is the recent past co-chair of the CAPCSD DEI Committee and is a member of the CSDCAS Admissions Committee. Overall interests include determinants of access to autism services for children and families in underserved areas, as well as strategies to diversify the communication disorders workforce through enhanced recruitment and retention efforts. 

Financial: full-time salary at NCCU, received two hotel nights + stipend from CAPCSD for this event
Non-financial: CAPCSD DEI Committee Co-Chair, CAPCSD Admissions Committee Member, ASHA member


Dr. Kerry Mandulak headshot

Dr. Kerry Mandulak

Dr. Kerry Callahan Mandulak, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

As Chair of Graduate Admissions and Professor in the Pacific University School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD), Dr. Kerry Mandulak has seen firsthand the power of using holistic review processes to increase the diversity, on myriad dimensions, of the speech-language pathology and audiology workforce. She has served as member and chair of the CAPCSD Admissions Committee as well as the recent past co-chair of the CAPCSD DEI Committee. Through presentations and publications, Dr. Mandulak is honored and grateful to continue the national conversation around this important work.

Financial: full-time salary at Pacific, received honoraria in the past for admissions consulting with university programs, received two hotel nights + stipend from CAPCSD for this event
Non-financial: CAPCSD DEI Committee Co-Chair, ASHA member, SIG 10 member, grad admissions chair at Pacific, the editorial board of TLCSD

Pre-Summit Participant Preparation

  • Participants will be provided with asynchronous trainings before the event to ensure that all participants have a common understanding of holistic review principles.


Post-Summit Participant Expectations

  • Following the in-person event, there will be a series of four bi-monthly community webinar meetings to further the dialogue and education. Participants will also be expected to submit short and long term outcomes of their progress in implementing the holistic review strategies as a result of attending this summit. 


ASHA Continuing Ed approved provider, CAPCSD, 0.75 CEUs



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