CAPCSD's goal is to provide resources for pedagogy, clinical education, and administration. The following academic and clinical resources are available to support faculty, clinic directors, and member programs.
2023 CAPCSD Salary Survey 2023 (NEW)
Please note: For all reported salary values under $10,000, the value was multiplied by 100; values under $1,000 were multiplied by 1,000. Salaries are adjusted and normalized by dividing by the months of appointment, then multiplying by nine months. Diamonds are individual faculty. Lines and shading show the 10th, 50th (median) and 90th percentiles (coarse black dotted lines), the mean (solid black line), the IQR (narrow gray shading, darker below the median), whiskers at 1.5 IQR, +/- one standard deviation (wide gray bar), and minimum and maximum (fine black dotted lines).
CAPCSD Salary Survey User Guide (NEW)
Best Practices in Healthcare Simulations in Communication Sciences and Disorders (ebook) March 2019
CAPCSD and ASHA - CSD Education Survey 2022-2023
Medicare in University Clinics 2017-2019
Supreme Court Decision:
Secretary Cardona Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on College Affirmative Action Programs

2023 CAPCSD Salary Survey 2023 (NEW)
Please note: For all reported salary values under $10,000, the value was multiplied by 100; values under $1,000 were multiplied by 1,000. Salaries are adjusted and normalized by dividing by the months of appointment, then multiplying by nine months. Diamonds are individual faculty. Lines and shading show the 10th, 50th (median) and 90th percentiles (coarse black dotted lines), the mean (solid black line), the IQR (narrow gray shading, darker below the median), whiskers at 1.5 IQR, +/- one standard deviation (wide gray bar), and minimum and maximum (fine black dotted lines).
CAPCSD Salary Survey User Guide (NEW)
ACE Task Force Report March 2013
Best Practices in Healthcare Simulations in Communication Sciences and Disorders (ebook) March 2019
CAPCSD and ASHA - CSD Education Survey 2022-2023
Medicare in University Clinics 2017-2019
Preparation of Speech-Language Pathologist Educators (white paper) April 2013
CAPCSD understands the challenges associated with Medicare billing in university clinics. CAPCSD and ASHA have created resources on the topic. You can see the resources here.
NEW - A Guide for Future Practitioners in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology: Core Functions
This document is intended as a guide for educational programs in speech-language pathology or audiology and individuals seeking a career in these professions. It identifies the core functions that individuals of such programs typically are expected to employ in didactic and clinical experiences to acquire the knowledge and demonstrate the competencies that will lead to graduation and successful entry into professional practice. This document replaces the previous Essential Functions document created by CAPCSD. Continued use of the previous document is strongly discouraged.