Developing Your Potential
Orlando, Florida
CAPCSD Board of Directors
Melody Harrison
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Judith Vander Woude
Calvin College
Past President
Kenn Apel
University of South Carolina
Colleen O’Roarke
Georgia State University
Mark DeRuiter
University of Minnesota
Vice President for Communications
Mary Hardin-Jones
University of Wyoming
Vice President for Professional Development
Lisa Scott
Florida State University
Vice President for Research & Academic Development
Sarah Ginsberg
Eastern Michigan University
Vice President for Standards & Credentials
Carol C. Dudding
James Madison University
Vice President for Student Development
Rich Folsom
University of Washington
Click on the session title(s) below to download the paper.
Preconference, CYA! FERPA, HIPAA, ADA…Which Acronym Scares YOU The Most?
Jackson, Meadows-Keefe, & Van Slyke
Meadows-Keefe HIPAA
Van Slyke ADA
Welcome, President’s Address
Plenary A: Intentional Leadership: Harnessing Potential In People & Programs
Ripich & Whitelaw
Healthcare Reimbursement Update Part I
Nikjeh & Fifer
Healthcare Reimbursement Update Part II
Nikjeh & Fifer
Program Directors’ Problem-Solving & Information Exchange
Apel, Roush (Handouts not available)
Understanding HIPAA Compliance
Developing Leadership Potential In Students
The Clinical Doctorate In Speech-Language Pathology: National Stakeholder Survey Results
DeRuiter, McNeil, & Nunez
Infusing Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum: From First-Year to Graduation
Meline, Storkel, Brady, Blossom 1
Meline, Storkel, Brady, & Blossom 2
Dealing With Difficult People: Working With YOU Is Killing Me!
Interprofessional Education: Two Departments’ Perspectives
Dayalu, Neubauer, Shulman, Pinto Zipp, Scherz, & Coufal
Worklife Balance For Clinic Directors: Oxymoron? Or Possibility?
DeRuiter, Taylor, Boester, & Wark
Creating Meaningful Team-Based Learning Application Activities To Enhance Critical Thinking
Gordon-Hickey & Estis
Preparing Students For Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: A Curriculum Model
Lof & Knab
Results Of The CAPCSD Salary Survey
Hardin-Jones (Handouts not available)
Community Engaged Teaching & Research
Louko & Zebrowski
A Hybrid Distance Education Model For the Master’s Degree Program
Richard & Throneburg
Expanding Capacity To Address SLP Shortages In Schools
Ingram & Bacon
Creative Partnerships That Meet University, Community, & Personal Needs
Ford & Bahr
The Methodology and Structure of the ABA Practice Analysis in Audiology (PA-AUD)
CAA Update
Besing & Dudding
CSDCAS/WebAdMIT for SuperUsers
Masterson & Tyler
MERLOT Updates
Student Privacy: Questions & Answers About FERPA
An Innovative Practicum Model: Developing Mentoring & Coaching Skills
Bryant & Delsandro
Student Entitlement And Teacher Communication
Ginsberg, Friberg, & Visconti
Higher Education System (HES) Update and Data Reports for the CSD Education Survey
Hardin-Jones & Nunez
ACAE's 2014 Update and Review of the Newly Revised Standards
Hunter, Gordon
CFCC Update
Introduction to CSDCAS
Scudder, Meyer (Handouts not available)
Balancing Quantity & Quality: Measuring Productivity of University Clinical Supervisors
Kleinhans & Hart
Instructional Innovations In Teaching And Supervising The “ADA Generation”
Seal & Hanks
Social Media In The Health Sciences
Nelson & Burdick
An Internationalized Classroom Using Research Teams
Williams & Louw
Plenary B:Assessing Student Competencies: Models From Other Professions and Other Places
Bogo, Fitzgerald, McAllister (Handouts not available)
Considerations for Students with Disabilities
Van Slyke
Problem Solving and Information Exchange – Clinical Directors
Messick, Taylor ((Handouts not available)
Improving Our Clinical And Research Personnel: Government Funding Opportunities For Training
Speakers to be announced (Handouts not available)
Health Care Reform, The Health Care Summit, And Interprofessional Education
Apel, Fagan, McNeilly, Moore, & Nunez
Risk Management In University Clinics
CAPCSD Global Networking: Enhancing Global Service, Teaching, & Research
Hallowell, Crowley, Drayton, Fernandez Dreux, & Stokes
Exploring Flipping the Classroom with CSD Graduate Students
Kempster &Tessler
Two Approaches to Promoting 21st Century Cultural Competence in CDS
Jarmulowicz, McCarthy, Meyer, & Schupbach
Budgets 101: Conceptualizing & Working Your Budget
ASHA Academic Affairs Board: Addressing The PhD Shortage
Koehnke, McNeil, Chapman, Folsom, & Nunez
Competency Based Assessment of Practicum: Lessons Learned DownUnder
McAllister 1
McAllister 2
McAllister 3
Sowing Seeds: Routinely Implementing Single Subject Designs In Clinical Practice
Milosky & Eckert (Handouts not available)
Lessons From SuperClinic: Fostering Independence In The AuD Third Year
Interprofessional Professionalism Collaborative: The Interprofessionalism Assessment (IPA)
Nunez, Frost, & Adams
Developing Interprofessional Coursework In Ethics
Newman & Britten
Using Our Resources to Develop CAPCSD’s Leadership Potential
Harrison (Handouts not available)
Colleagues Behaving Badly: Bullying In Academia
Chavez Rudolph
Monitoring Outcomes For Effective Student And Program Management
Cokley & Eddins
Developing Professionalism Potential In Students
Schupbach & Wolter