Documents & Articles (Read)
12 Habits Of Genuine People (Dr. Travis Bradberry, Huffington Post)
In this guest editorial, Dr. Bradberry speaks to the importance of genuineness and authenticity in forging trusting and productive relationships.
The Training of Clinical personnel: II A Concept of Clinical Preparation (Louse M. Ward, and Elizabeth J. Webster)
This article takes an important look at the “human” side of clinical education. Though the article was first published in 1965, the analysis therein is quite timeless.
The Training of Clinical Personnel: II A Concept of Clinical Preparation
Knowledge, Skills and Training Consideration for Individuals Serving as Supervisors (ASHA)
This article is the 2013 report of an ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Supervision. It outlines the knowledge and skills training required for persons engaged in supervision across all settings and with all levels of learners/personnel.
Knowledge, Skills, and Training Considerations for Individuals Serving as Supervisors
The Art and Value of Good Listening (Psychology Today)
This article outlines the three most important behaviors needed to be a “good listener.” You may also want to explore the full list of resources on “The Art of Listening”.
The Art and Value of Good Listening
Being an Effective Preceptor (Emory University School of Medicine)
This is a summarized of the characteristics of an effective clinical teacher based on a review of the literature. The list is a quick reference of the attributes and review of the One-Minute Preceptor.

Videos (Watch)
The Power of Words: Susan Wranik at TEDx Arcadia University (TedxTalks)
This video offers some additional information about speech pathology clinical placements.
Gibb’s Supportive and Defensive Climates (Dr. Lori Zakel)
This video further explores the six behaviors identified by Gibb that trigger a defensive response and the six contrasting behaviors that can maintain a supportive climate.
Gibb’s Supportive and Defensive Climates
Students on Precepting (UCSF School of Nursing)
This video provides student’s perception of what characteristics are valued in their preceptors.
Clinical Learning in Practice (NHS Foundation Trust)
This video provides both student and preceptor perspective on the CLiP method of clinical education.
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