1. How Personal Perspectives Influence Relationships
These resources explore several factors that could affect a student-educator relationship, including factors such as (but not limited to): cultural, generational, and gender differences. They also explore the notion of perspective as the lens through which you relate to others and analyze your own perspectives. The concept of “unconscious bias” is and how to prevent your biases from interfering with good decision-making is also included.

Documents & Articles (Read)
Generational Issues in Supervision and Administration (Vicki McCready)
This brief article highlights some of the issues that can arise when working with people from across many different age groups.
Generational Issues in Supervision and Administration
How to Recognize Your Cultural Competence (Irene Torres, The ASHA Leader)
Culture is more than the labels of race and ethnicity, it is about all aspects of identity—age, gender, social class, ability, religion, sexual orientation, as well as race and ethnicity. Cultural competence is about knowing how we perceive ourselves, as well as others. Read this short article for a discussion of cultural awareness, cultural competence, and how to develop your own competence.
How to Recognize Your Cultural Competence
The Supervisory Relationship (Allan Dye)
This reading looks at several factors that could potentially affect the supervisor-supervisee relationship. While the target audience is mental health practitioners, and some content is quite specific to that field, the information shared will resonate in all clinical educator/student relationships.
Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins (Michael Dimock)
This article describes the demographic transition from “Millennials” to “Generation Z”, discussing characteristics that help describe a generation of students now participating in professional training programs.
Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins
Bullying and Intimidation in Clinical Supervision (James Mancinelli)
This brief article discusses our obligation as clinical educators to address the issue of perceived bullying and intimidation within the clinical training setting.

Videos (Watch)
Understanding Unconscious Bias (The Royal Society)
This quick animation introduces the key concepts of unconscious bias and gives advice on how to recognize and address bias in yourself and others.
Implicit Bias – how it affects us and how we push through (Melanie Funchess, TedXTalks)
While not about clinical instruction specifically, this video tells a powerful story about our own implicit biases and how they affect our behavior toward others. (WARNING, some strong language is used in this video).
Dr. Julia Sperling, a McKinsey Partner and neuroscientist, explains the science behind unconscious bias and ingrained beliefs and what we can do to overcome them
Unconscious Bias and Ingrained Beliefs (McKinseyLD)
2. Cultural Considerations in Providing Feedback
These resources will help you to reflect on the way cultural differences my impact the feedback process in clinical education.

Documents & Articles (Read)
Consider A Cultural Audit (Andrea Moxley, The ASHA Leader)
Cultural humility reflects lifelong learning and self-reflection, recognition, and desire to change power structures and institutional accountability. Read this short article for steps to examine the cultural responsiveness in your workplace. Begin to think about how your workplace’s cultural responsiveness relates to being effective in giving feedback.
Implicit Bias (Harvard University)
Complete a variety of the Implicit Bias tests offered through Harvard University
Addressing Racism in CSD Education Webinar and Resources (Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders)
These two forums in the journal are related to addressing racism in CSD education. There are multiple articles and two webinars to watch.
Addressing Racism in CSD Education Webinar and Resources (Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders)
3. Cultural Considerations when Assessing Student Performance
These resources will help you to reflect on the way cultural differences my impact the assessment process in clinical education.

Documents & Articles (Read)
Differences in Narrative Language in Evaluations of Medical Students by Gender and Under-represented Minority Status (NIH)
This article discusses ways in which narrative evaluations are different for women and underrepresented minorities. These groups were more likely to be evaluated based on personal attributes rather than their competency. The article provides ways to reduce these biases in evaluations.
Differences in Narrative Language in Evaluations of Medical Students...
Medical Education’s Wicked Problem: Achieving Equity in Assessment for Medical Learners (Lucey, Catherine R. MD; Hauer, Karen E. MD, Ph.D.; Boatright, Dowin MD; Fernandez, Alicia MD)
In this article, the authors review the underlying individual and structural causes of inequity in assessment. Using an organizational model, they propose strategies to achieve equity in assessment.
Medical Education’s Wicked Problem: Achieving Equity in Assessment for Medical Learners
Countering Bias in Assessment (Adelaide H. McClintock, Tyra Fainstad, Joshua Jauregui, Lalena M. Yarris)
Short article that describes bias in the assessment, which disproportionately impacts learners who have different identities from the assessor. The article provides short and long-term ideas to reduce the effect of this bias.
Countering Bias in Assessment
4. Considering Biases in Clinical Education
There are many ways biases, both explicit and implicit, can threaten the validity, reliability, and authenticity of the assessment tools and the assessment process.

Documents and Articles (Read)
Assessment and Bias
This webpage from DePaul University’s Teaching Commons discusses confirmation bias and stereotype threat to assessment validity.
Uncovering Implicit Bias in Assessment, Feedback and Grading
This article by Anthony Reibel (2021) provides examples of strategies to mitigate assessment/feedback bias in education.
Uncovering Implicit Bias in Assessment, Feedback, and Grading
Interview on Experimental Evidence on Teachers' Racial Bias in Student Evaluation: The Role of Grading Scales, David Quinn.
In this interview by a local news channel, David Quinn explains his study (2020) that showed teacher’s racial bias while grading students’ written work, as the potential strategy to reduce the impact of such bias.
Cultural Competence (ASHA)
This knowledge and skills document is an official statement of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). It describes the particular knowledge and skills needed to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services in CSD professions. This document acknowledges the need to consider the impact of culture and linguistic exposure/acquisition on all clients/patients, not simply for minority or diverse clients/patients.