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2012 Conference Proceedings

Sustaining Global Alliances

Newport Beach, California
April 18-21, 2012

CAPCSD Board of Directors


Michael Kimbarow
San Jose State University

Kenn Apel
The Florida State University

Past President
Brooke Hallowell
Ohio University

Neil DiSarno
Missouri State University

Melody Harrison
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Vice President for Communications
Judith Vander Woude
Calvin College

Vice President for Professional Development
Mark DeRuiter
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Vice President for Research & Academic Development
Craig Champlin
University of Texas - Austin

Vice President for Standards & Credentials
Michael Flahive
Saint Xavier University

Vice President for Student Development
Richard Hurtig
University of Iowa

Click on the session title(s) below to download the paper.


Welcome, President’s Address

Introduction to the Global Summit

Global Summit Plenary Session 1: An Overview of higher education in CSD from diverse countries and regions
McAllister, Fernandes, Ciocca, Drayton, Georgopoulos, Jayaram, Kishon-Rabin, Khaledi, Kim, Ayyad, Ahmad, Robb, Penn, van Doorn, Lertsukprasert, Idrissi, Phan

Global Summit Plenary Session 2: Going global with related professional organizations: Information sharing and opportunities
Walden, Gallagher, Chabon, Robb

Global Summit Plenary Session 3: What the WHO World Report on Disability tells us we should be teaching our students about disabilities around the world

Global Summit Plenary Session 4: Engaging US students and faculty members in international service
Crowley, Weaver, Tullos, Meyer


Hurtig, Donnelly, Ferraraccio, Gilbert

A Primer for North Americans teaching and working in CSD programs outside of North America
Reed, Flahive, Koch, Lew

Fostering and assessing students’ intercultural competency
Penn, Guendouzi

Internationalizing CSD curricula
Lincoln, McAllister

Developing CSD educational collaborations in China
Meyer, McCarthy, Peach, Wang

A Primer on CSD academic and research collaborations in India
Bhat, Jayaram

Understanding your world: Session for new leaders
Wark, Reuler, Bahr

Telepractice: Issues in training and implementation (Part 1)
Cohn, Brown, Dudding, Towey

Evidence-based practices: Rational evidence
Muma, Cloud

Effects of course content on student attitudes and expectations regarding the clinical supervisory process

Community connections: Creative clinical education opportunities
Power-deFur, Daly, Bruce, Ermgodts

Educating students to serve multilingual populations
Centeno, Anderson

The development and implementation of COMPASS: Competency Based Assessment in Speech Pathology
McAllister, Lincoln, Ferguson

Strategic capacity building for the CSD professions in China
Rogers, Bentler, Liu, Xu, Louko, Hallowell

International online services for aphasia: Clients, clinicians, supervisors, and students
Connors, Ramachandran

Telepractice: Issues in training and implementation (Part 2)
Tindall, Givens, Vento, Brown, Cohn

Creative approaches to doctoral-level education
Shaughnessey, Page, Harrison, Nelson

Examining learner outcomes via student portfolios
Storkel, Daniels, Wegner

Simulated case studies for clinical education
Szymanski, Klick, Dudding, Williams

Higher Education System (HES) updates and support
Judith Vander Woude

Plenary session: Issues surrounding the challenging student
Britten, Maguire, O’Rourke

A 21st century model for practicum training: Constructivism and community
Giess, Dodd, Vickers, Hagge, Mandas

“Back to the future”: Lessons learned in online course development
Flahive, Dudding, Chial

ACAE Updates
ABA Updates
Hunter, Brazell

Graduate student speech pathology assistants: The elephant in the room
Nwokah, Martinez

Problem solving and information exchange: Clinic Directors
Wark, Simpson

Problem solving and information exchange: Program Directors
Folsom, Montgomery

Programmatic funding exchange
Elie, Wright-Harp, Hanyak, Ratner

Curricular and externship models in audiology education
Parent-Buck, Tharpe, Lentz

CAPCSD task force on alternative clinical education models
Alarcon, Buder, Klick, Lougeay, Madison, McCready, Tullos

Out of the lab and onto the laptop
Salzhauer Berkowitz

Cultivating creative, interdisciplinary collaboration: Perspectives from two institutions
Embry, Pickering

Leadership development for department chairs
Prelock, Johnson

Updates from CAA and CFCC
Halling, Page

Business Meeting

Reimbursement updates for university clinics
Nikjeh, Trembath

Graduate admissions: Finding (some) solace in the numbers

Global Summit follow-up session

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